Tuesday 21 February 2012

Community - 4 Reasons why it's so great...

Community is an American sitcom that airs on NBC, currently on its third season that show has a huge cult fan base but yet it struggles in ratings and only averages around the 4 million mark.

1 - Troy and Abed, The Bromance.
Troy and Abed have some of the best moments in the show and are often the viewers most favourite characters. As the show progress's you feel as if most of Abeds quirkiness has rubbed of onto Troy slightly. Both characters are played by fantastic actors and really are the highlight of the show.

2 - Paintball Episodes
Yes thats right Community has 3 Episodes which involve paintball events. This is where you can really tell that Community would be a special show, not just for these action packed episodes but how they are able to keep them to the current story lines and they actually matter. It isn't like Family Guy or The Simpsons when all is forgotten by the next episode, nope these actually count.

Monday 20 February 2012

Mass Effect 3 Trailer

Mass Effect 3- Take Earth Back...YEAH!

Although I felt that the Mass Effect 3 Collectors Edition was very overpriced and lackluster I can't help but be exited for this game to come out and here's three reasons why!

1 - Carry on my save
I'm exited to carry on from where I left of on Mass effect 2, I'm hyped to see how the decisions I made previously affect the new games story. I want Ashley to apologize for being such a pain in the last game even though i saved her life in the first!

Mojam - My thoughts.

In case you've been living under a rock or have an equally as boring excuse then you may have missed out on the phenomena of "Mojam". www.humblebundle.com is a website that once every so often has indie packs which users can literally pay what they want for, however this "bundle" was very different from the last.

'Mojam' was a 60 hour Gamejam which basically means there aim was to create a game within 60 hours and others were welcome to join them. Before the event began you could tell it was going to special because Mojang allowed their fan-base to decide on the theme and genre of the game, which of course is very risky on the Internet (especially when one genre is "Peter Molyneux"). Oddly enough the fan-base chose the real time strategy genre and the theme of steampunk...good luck Mojang.

The reason this is impressive is because they couldn't even plan any aspect of the game beforehand because they only just found out what the games genre was hours before. The first night of the stream contained a party like atmosphere as they slowly began working on the project. By the second day they had decided on a name "Catacomb Snatch" which was of course followed by "Thats what she said" and "lolwat" because lets face it... it does kinda sound like a euphemism.